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In this online art gallery you will find canvas paintings created by Mathew Lee Davies. 

The art style exhibited reflects modern art in the landscape with its vibrancy and vividness of colour, inspired by explorations of the artist's environment and scenic surroundings.

With a background in arts & media, the work produced relates to filmic landscape art, from the artist's interest and previous work in film.

"I am very interested in film, always have been...  I really appreciate a great filmic, scenic shot that adds scope.  It's something that I take note of on the screen in the way that it informs great storylines"

Mathew has a variety of art for viewing in the Gallery and his work can be purchased in the Catalogue Individual canvas paintings and high resolution, giclee fine art prints are available.

A contemporary exhibiting artist with collections available for exhibitions. 

Enquiries for personal request - paintings, is also open to discussion through the Contact page.

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