mathewlee profile


Mathew finds inspiration from the world around him, using his own observations and photography to develop ideas and concepts which he explores in his paintings. He has always had a strong connection to the environment on his many travels and reflects on the visual impact of climate change on the natural world, which he captures in his vibrant and vivid landscapes. He prefers to work in acrylic on canvas to illustrate abstract colour hues and ramping up the saturation of colour in his work to embellish his unique style.

Mathew is a Bristol-based artist with a long history of creative work. After graduating from Swansea University with a BA(Hons) in Illustration, he pursued a successful career primarily in graphic design, then moving into the professional field of videography, before taking alternative avenues for a few years. 

His previous history in film making and an extensive knowledge of the medium has become a big part in how Mathew approaches the concept of his landscape art. He is an artist who is more influenced by a particular shot of a landscape scene from a quality film makers vision, than necessarily following in another traditional artists path. 

Realising that a painting is a lot more efficient in expressing a creative desire than spending a vast amount of time to get another film project off the ground, he decided to dig out his old paint brushes and acrylic paint that had been lying dormant for 20 years.

He seized the opportunity to reconnect with his original passion for painting during the lockdown of 2020, which has since developed into his full-time artistic pursuit. 

Mathew lives in Bristol with his wife where he also enjoys film and music, playing guitars, skateboarding, basketball and digital film/photography.

mathew lee art

Mathew has exhibited his artwork @ North Street Gallery, Southville, Bristol, BS3 1EY. 

August 5th - 30th October 2023

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